Horowitz, J., Klaus, K. "Can Politicians Exploit Ethnic Grievances? An Experimental Study of Land Appeals in Kenya." Political Behavior 42, 35–58 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11109-018-9485-1
A data frame with 375 rows and 9 variables:
- support
Support for the hypothetical candidate making the appeal
- land_insecure
Moderator of interest measuring if the respondent is land insecure
- treat_comb
Treatment indicator for land-based appeals
- prepost
Indicator for if the moderator was measured before (0) or after(1) treatment
- age
Age of the respondent
- female
Indicator for if the respondent identifies as female
- close_own
Indicator for if the respondent feels close to their own ethnic group
- educ
Level of education (1=no schooling, 2 = some primary, 3 = complete primary, 4 = some secondary, 5 = completed secondary, 6 = college, 7 = some university, 8 = completed university)
- treat
Original treatment variable indicating control (0),land-based appeal (1), and land- and ethnic-based appeals (2).