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This package contains code and sample data to implement the non-parametric bounds and Bayesian methods for assessing post-treatment bias developed in Blackwell et al (2024).


## Install developer version
## install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("mattblackwell/DirectEffects", build_vignettes = TRUE)


Both the nonparametric and Bayesian estimators all have prefixes that indicate what type of experimental design being used.

  • pre_ functions can analyze data from a pre-test design where the moderator is measured pre-treatment.
  • post_ functions can analyze data from a post-test design where the moderator is measured post-treatment.
  • prepost_ functions can analyze data from a random placement design, in which the moderator is randomly assigned to be measured before or after treatment.

Most functions can be specified with a formula to identify the outcome and treatment and another one-sided formula for the moderator:

out <- pre_bounds(
  formula = angry_bin ~ t_commonality,
   data = delponte,
  moderator = ~ itaid_bin
## $lower
## -0.5923203 
## $upper
## 0.3221525 
## $ci_lower
## [1] -0.6875343
## $ci_upper
## [1] 0.4035053
## $pre_est
## [1] -0.2701678