Estimate sensitivity of ACDE estimates under varying levels of unobserved confounding
Estimate how the Average Controlled Direct Effect varies by various levels of
unobserved confounding. For each value of unmeasured confounding, summarized as
a correlation between residuals, cdesens
computes the ACDE. Standard
errors are computed by a simple bootstrap.
- seqg
Output from sequential_g. The function only supports specifications with one mediator variable.
- var
A character indicating the name of the variable for which the estimated ACDE is being evaluated.
- rho
A numerical vector of correlations between errors to test for. The original model assumes
rho = 0
- bootstrap
character of c("none", "standard"), indicating whether to include bootstrap standard errors. Default is "none".
- boots_n
Number of bootstrap replicates, defaults to 100.
- verbose
Whether to show progress and messages, defaults to
- ...
Other parameters to pass on to
when refitting the model
# main formula: Y ~ A + X | Z | M
form_main <- onset ~ ethfrac + lmtnest + ncontig + Oil | warl +
gdpenl + lpop + polity2l + relfrac | instab
# estimate CDE
direct <- sequential_g(form_main, data = civilwar)
# sensitivity
out_sens <- cdesens(direct, var = "ethfrac")
# plot sensitivity